Code-Maven Live events

About Code-Mavens live events

Organizer: Gabor Szabo


When Language Title Who Register
2025.04.27   When Al Needs a Human Assistant: How to Build Data Annotation Operations Liz Polansky andDanielle Menuhin register

Earlier events and video recordings

When Language Video recordings and notes Who
2024.06.06 Rust Your first contribution to an Open Source Rust project Gabor Szabo
2024.06.09 Rust GitHub pages for Rust developers Gabor Szabo
2024.06.13 Perl Getting started with Docker for Perl developers Gabor Szabo
2024.06.16 Rust Web development in Rust using Rocket Gabor Szabo
2024.06.18 Python Testing Python code using Pytest Gabor Szabo
2024.06.20 Python Functional programming in Python Gabor Szabo
2024.06.25 Rust Using the Liquid template system in Rust Gabor Szabo
2024.06.27 Rust Accepting parameters on the command line using Rust Clap Gabor Szabo
2024.07.07 Python Getting started with web development using Python Flask Gabor Szabo
2024.07.09   Getting started with Linux on Linode in the cloud for less than 1 cent Gabor Szabo
2024.07.11 Rust Reading JSON files in Rust Gabor Szabo
2024.07.25 Python Testing Python with Pytest: The magic of fixtures Gabor Szabo
2024.08.04 Perl Continuous Integration (CI): GitHub Actions for Perl Projects Gabor Szabo
2024.08.06 Rust Web development in Rust using Rocket - part 2 Gabor Szabo
2024.08.15 Perl GitHub Pages for Perl developers Gabor Szabo
2024.08.28 Rust Command Line Tools: Implementing wc in Rust Gabor Szabo
2024.12.17 Rust Rust Source Code Reading: The thousands crate Gabor Szabo
2025.01.06 Python”Don’t Give all your {secrets} away”) Tamar Galer
2025.01.08 Rust BlockMesh Network implemented in Rust Ohad Dahan
2025.01.15 Rust An introduction to WASM in Rust Márk Tolmács
2025.01.20 Perl GitLab pipelines and CI for Perl developers Gabor Szabo
2025.01.27 Python The Reference Model for COVID-19 attempts to explain USA data Jacob Barhak
2025.01.30 Rust Are We Embedded Yet? - Implementing tiny HTTP server on a microcontroller Maor Malka
2025.02.03 Python How to Make Your Backend Roar Haki Benita
2025.02.05 Python The Evolution of Python Monitoring May Walter
2025.02.11 Rust Meet Elusion: New DataFrame Library powered by Rust 🦀 Borivoj Grujicic
2025.02.12 Python Python - From zero to hero Eyal Balla
2025.02.20 Python Simulations for the Mathematically Challenged Miki Tebeka
2025.02.25 Python Reducing your memory footprint by 75% with 6 lines Tomer Brisker
2025.03.02 Git Creating a website on GitHub Pages using Markdown Gábor Szabó
2025.03.04 Rust Parsing with Winnow in Rust Kenny Flegal
2025.03.05 Python daffodil, data frames for optimized data inspection and logical processing Ray Lutz
2025.03.06 Rust Ratatui - Terminal User Interfaces in Rust Orhun Parmaksız
2025.03.09 Rust Creating A Mock Blockchain in Rust Sourav Mishra
2025.03.11 Python Using Streamlit to create interactive web apps & deploy machine learning models Leah Levy
2025.03.12 JavaScript Vanilla Boot - Developing reusable UI components with Vanilla JavaScript Eyal Lior
2025.03.18 Rust crum: Complex Numbers and Complex Matrices in Rust Frans Slabber
2025.03.20 Rust Rust and embedded programming Leon Vak