Code-Maven Live events

Organizer by Gabor Szabo.

Schedule of the public events:

When Language Title Register
2024.12.17 Rust Rust Source Code Reading: The thousands crate register
2025.01.07 Rust Microdosing Rust to your organization with Aviram Hassan register
2025.01.20 Perl GitLab pipelines and CI for Perl developers register

Earlier events and video recordings

When Language Video recordings and notes event
2024.06.06 Rust Your first contribution to an Open Source Rust project event
2024.06.09 Rust GitHub pages for Rust developers event
2024.06.13 Perl Getting started with Docker for Perl developers event
2024.06.16 Rust Web development in Rust using Rocket event
2024.06.18 Python Testing Python code using Pytest event
2024.06.20 Python Functional programming in Python event
2024.06.25 Rust Using the Liquid template system in Rust event
2024.06.27 Rust Accepting parameters on the command line using Rust Clap event
2024.07.07 Python Getting started with web development using Python Flask event
2024.07.09   Getting started with Linux on Linode in the cloud for less than 1 cent event
2024.07.11 Rust Reading JSON files in Rust event
2024.07.25 Python Testing Python with Pytest: The magic of fixtures event
2024.08.04 Perl Continuous Integration (CI): GitHub Actions for Perl Projects event
2024.08.06 Rust Web development in Rust using Rocket - part 2 event
2024.08.15 Perl GitHub Pages for Perl developers event
2024.08.28 Rust Command Line Tools: Implementing wc in Rust event