About the Code-Maven Live events

At the Code Maven live events hosted by Gabor Szabo you will learn how to use various programming libraries. We focus on Rust, Python, and Perl projects as well as Git/GitHub/GitLab, Docker and Linux in general.

There are various types of events.

Introducing your project

If you are introducing a project of you, here are some questions you might want to answer in your presentation.

Pair-programming style sessions

A one-sides pair-programming session in in the driver-navigator style. The host (Gabor Szabo) is the driver who is typing the code in. The guest is the navigator who knows where we are going and tells the driver what to write.

The navigator wil adjust his/her level of abstraction to the level of understand of the driver. Sometimes it will be enough to give high-level instructions and let the driver worry about the implementation, sometimes the navigator might need to go into much more details if the driver does not understand the high-level instructions.

The driver can always ask for clarifications if he does not understand something.

These usually should assume that the person who is writing the code (Gabor) does not know much about the topic and will have questions. This can create some interesting conversations, but certainly these will help clarify issues.

Ideas for sessions